Sunday, December 26, 2021

Baking Memories

We have a long weekend due to the Christmas Day and Boxing Day holidays.  I brought out my sourdough starter on Friday, mixed up the dough on Saturday, and baked the loaf on Sunday.  I have to admit that my sourdough bread does not have the best batting average.  There are days that the loaf does not rise and the bread ends up quite dense.  I am happy to report that today's loaf was awesome.

When I pulled the bread out of the oven, I was momentarily transported to the dining room at Cebu Avenue. I remember Father bringing home sourdough bread from his US trips.  San Francisco Fisherman's Wharf Sourdough bread.  That was always a treat.  We would take a slice of the bread, moisten the crust, toast the slice, then eat it with butter.  Oh, the joy! (Let's just not count the calories.)

Sourdough bread always brings Father back even if my homemade version isn't quite the same.

Am still using the same sourdough bread recipe but have reduced salt to 14 g.  

Friday, December 24, 2021

'Twas the Night Before Christmas

MacGyver picked up GI this afternoon.
Lockdown restrictions have eased so we are able to spend Christmas together.

May you have a blessed Christmas!