Saturday, January 10, 2015

A Loaf of Bread, A Container of Milk and a Stick of Butter

I caught Slash-M on Skype today. He was busy working on something.
It seemed as if he was making a ransom note or something.

He explained that they were refrigerator magnets for their grocery list.
There were Swedish words on the magnets and he was sorting them.
I could not help but laugh.  Is this fridge magnet grocery list a GUY THING?

Check out our grocery list care of MacGyver. 
He printed out the grocery list and glued them on refrgerator magnets
which he later cut up to size.

The theory is stick the grocery items we need onto the blank GROCERY LIST
when supplies run low and move them back to the side once they have been purchased.

And as you can see, GI had his own idea of what should be in the grocery list.  
He has added PIZZA into the grocery list (permanently).

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