Monday, June 15, 2020

The Magic Number is 50

Pentecost brought a special blessing for us here.  The state declared that starting 31 May, churches would be allowed to have up to fifty people inside where previously only ten people were allowed.   

During the time that only ten people were allowed in the church, people had to sign up for the slots.  I didn't know where to find that sign up sheet and I didn't feel like slugging it out with the rest of the parish so I was happy to set my alarm to 6:55 AM and catch the 7 AM mass on Facebook.  I would visit the church once in while but not really aim to catch the mass.  However, when the government eased the restrictions and increased the number to fifty, I felt like I had a fighting chance of actually attending mass inside the church.

I decided MacGyver's birthday would be as good a day as any to wake up earlier and physically attend mass.  I set my alarm clock earlier because it is a good 20 minute walk to church and I had no idea how early one had to be to make it within the fifty limit.  I arrived at quarter to 7.  They had two bottles of hand sanitizer at the entrance and two sign up sheets.   I was number 47.

Over the course of the days, it was like a roll of the dice everyday.  Would I wake up in time? Would I be able to walk to the church fast enough?  Would I be within the allowed number to enter the church?

Today, I cut it really close.  I was number 50!

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