Saturday, April 12, 2008

Lamaze Partner

In case you don't know, I married MacGyver* in August 1992. In December that year, we found out we were going to have a baby. When his siblings learned we were going to have a baby, they encouraged us to go for Lamaze classes.

Dr. Fernand Lamaze was a French obstetrician who developed a prepared childbirth technique that involved breathing and relaxation techniques as an alternative to medical intervention during labor.

Most of MacGyver's nephews and nieces were born via Lamaze. Since I was the first one in our family to get married, this pregnancy and childbirth business were all new to us. We figured it was worth the shot and enrolled for Lamaze classes when I was about six months pregnant.

MacGyver and I attended Lamaze classes at the Sanctuario de San Antonio along with about seven other couples under RKanapi. We were told what to expect when the baby was about to arrive, we were instructed on various means of massage, we were taught breathing techniques, we were shown a video on childbirth, etc.

When we graduated from the class, we were not quite sure whether we had everything we needed to know to go through childbirth via the Lamaze method. Well, as we all know, whether the parents are ready or not, when the baby is due to arrive, he/she will come.

As our baby's due date approached, we prepared our hospital bag. Our guideline for going to the hospital -- if contractions were coming every ten (10) minutes then it was time to go to the hospital. Otherwise, go through early labor at home.

It was late Thursday evening when I started feeling contractions which were different from the previous ones I had felt. At that time, the contractions were erratic and still tolerable. However, after midnight, they started to come more frequently and were more painful. Being the paranoid first-time parents that we were, we sought the advise of Eldest Sis, who is a doctor. We were all at Cebu Avenue at that time so we woke her up in the middle of the night. She said contractions would be much harder than the 'feel' of my stomach, but we decided to go to the hospital anyway, just to stay on the safe side. Newbies!

Off we went to Medical City in Mandaluyong at 1 am. (Medical City used to be located behind SM Megamall.) At the hospital, the check-up revealed that my cervix was 2-3 cm dilated. The cervix has to be 10 cm dilated before the mother starts pushing because if it isn't the baby won't be able to pass through. And that the baby was at -2 station. The baby would be at zero station (meaning his head is settled into the mother's pelvis) when he is ready to come out.

Since I was still at the early stages of labor, we were advised to have MacGyver rest in the hospital room while I remain in the labor room with the other expecting mothers. This enabled both of us to get some sleep in preparation for the baby's arrival. Towards noon, we decided to move to the Lamaze Room in Medical City so that we could be together.

The Lamaze Room had huge picture of a garden on one wall. There were a lot of focal points to choose from. A focal point is any object, picture or thing that the mother focuses her attention on to divert her attention from the pains of labor. I chose the outlet on the side of the room behind where MacGyver was seated. Don't ask me why. Perhaps it was because I much preferred to see MacGyver's face than those flowers and trees in the garden picture on the wall. Ask anyone who knows me, I have never been the 'girlie' 'flowery' type of person.

Anyway, MacGyver was a great Lamaze partner. He was with me all the time. He held my hand and counted for me. I was in such horrific pain that I don't think I was smiling anymore. I was concentrating on my focal point, practicing my breathing techniques and controlling the urge to push. MacGyver was as cool as a cucumber. I remember distinctly that I ordered him to move because he was covering my focal point. He moved aside quietly. Do not argue with a woman in labor. Smart guy.

He was probably as relieved as I was when GI finally popped out at about 1:30 on that Friday afternoon in September of 1993. Apparently, I had transmitted some of the pain I was experiencing to him by squeezing his hand so tightly every time there were painful contractions. MacGyver tells people that his hand ended up several sizes smaller that day. I consider that a small price to pay for the bundle of joy he got in exchange.

For RD's birth, we took a refresher course on Lamaze with the same teacher. Since we sort of knew what to expect, we didn't rush to the hospital when there were contractions. I would actually say we waited too long before going to the hospital. You see, RD was born within the hour of our arrival at Medical City. In fact, our obstetrician arrived at the hospital after RD did.

By the time MyGirl was due to arrive, almost eight years had passed since our original Lamaze classes. I figured my Lamaze partner had forgotten most, if not all, of our lessons. I decided it was best to go through labor at home. I also figured that squeezing a Size D battery was an acceptable alternative to MacGyver's hand. It was small enough to take wherever I went. And best of all, the battery would not shrink nor complain when squeezed.

We didn't realize is that I was almost ready to give birth when we arrived at the hospital. When the intern checked, she found my cervix was already 10 cm dilated. My water bag broke soon after. Clueless Lamaze partner was busy sending text messages when they wheeled me into the delivery room. I had to have the nurse call him lest he miss the event. It was quite fortunate that our OB was having dinner in a nearby building that evening or else she would have missed the delivery as well. MyGirl was born within thirty minutes of our arrival at the hospital.

God willing, we have decided to stop at MyGirl. I don't think I want to give birth in the car.


*The real MacGyver is actually Z's hero. She has followed Richard Dean Anderson with passion and dedication. Over the years, she discovered Lamaze Partner's knack for fixing things and being an all-around handyman in the house.

"Wow! You married MacGyver."

Yes, she is the one who baptized Lamaze Partner as MacGyver. Admittedly, he is a genius and never ceases to amaze me.

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